Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

End of Hockey season

Monday, November 19th, 2007

The Hockey season ended yesterday. I have been working hard on skating ( took skill class ) and of course play hard during practice and games. I was goalie again yesterday, and got actually called out as the player of the game. But more noticeably, my coach called me the MVP on the team for the season. New season starts up in January, I can’t wait. Until then more skill classes.


Friday, November 16th, 2007

So we moved again, this time only locally.  From Boulder to Longmont, which means that we have a better view of the mountains, I will try posting a picture soon.  But at the moment we are really busy getting everything moved in.  At least we are fully moved out of the old house.

It’s all about Hockey

Monday, October 29th, 2007

I spent a whole day playing Hockey yesterday. First I had skills class and a game and then I dragged my father out to the local ring to play some more. We didn’t stop until it was dark. I had a good game yesterday, although we didn’t win. Following is a link to a video including 3 of my goals, as my grandparents in DC really wanted to see me play. I had my father bring the video camera to the game and asked him to put it up on the web. But be aware the video itself is about 40MB, so if you want to download and play it you have to be patient. You have been warned, click here to get it.


Monday, October 22nd, 2007

It was snowing here in Boulder yesterday, the first snow of the season. It didn’t stick though. I’m looking forward to snowboarding and I might try skiing this season.

New look

Sunday, October 7th, 2007

As you can see we have a new look for the blog, as we integrated a new system with a back end database. Which will make it easier to maintain and also give you the ability to search the archives, as you can see on the right sidebar. My father is in the midst of migrating old content over, actually he’s done :)   Another benefit is RSS feed, see the bottom of the page. And rumor has it that my father is going to setup a mailing list. So you can subscribe and get email notification when we make a new post. Until next time, have fun !