Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

More snow!

Monday, December 25th, 2006

I have new snowshoes and went on a hike with mommy. Walking in 3 ft. of snow, even with snowshoes, is very hard – but fun. When we got to the top of the foothill, we had a view of the entire valley. The deer are having a bit of trouble walking in the snow. Our neighbor Richard cleared the driveway with his snowblower – 4 times in 24 hours. It will be a white Christmas!!!!! Blessings to all.

xMas snow !

Wednesday, December 20th, 2006

Finally the snow that the weatherman had been promising arrived. And it’s plenty, 20 inches so far and counting. I built a half pipe in the back yard. As an extra bonus I have the day off tomorrow, yahooo !

Icelandic santas

Tuesday, December 12th, 2006

Last night was a big night, the Icelandic santas start coming to town. Which means that I put my shoe out in the window and each morning ( if I’m behaving ) I get a little treat from the santa that just arrived.

In anticipation I wore my santa hat to bed.

The Icelandic Santas (Jólasveinar) are:

December 12th Stekkjarstaur – Gimpy
December 13th Giljagaur – Gully Imp
December 14th Stúfur – Shorty
December 15th Þvörusleikir – Pot Scraper
December 16th Pottasleikir – Pot Licker
December 17th Askasleikir – Bowl Licker
December 18th Hurðaskellir – Door Slammer
December 19th Skyrgámur – Skyr Gobbler (Skyr, an Icelandic yoghurt-type)
December 20th Bjúgnakrækir – Sausage Snatcher
December 21st Gluggagægir – Window Peeper
December 22nd Gáttaþefur – Doorway Sniffer
December 23rd Ketkrókur – Meat Hooker (This Lad is famous for sitting on the chimney and using a long hook to snatch the family’s traditional Christmas meat roast and pull it up the chimney )
December 24th Kertasníkir – Candle Beggar

December 9, 2006

Saturday, December 9th, 2006

I had my first guitar recital today, and played “Moonwalk” with another guitar student, Wesley. There were a lot of people – but it went well. My parents are very proud of me because I played all my notes and took my time.

My guitar teacher, Wendy, hands me my guitar. Wesley is behind her.



Saturday, December 2nd, 2006

It snowed 10 inches on Wednesday. So, my Father and I decided to play hookie on Thursday, and headed to the mountains to go snowboarding. We had a blast. After a few runs on the bunny hill, we went for the big chair lift. It was a really good day – a little chilly – but sunny in the afternoon.

That was fun