Happy Birthday!

December 29th, 2006

That’s right, my birthday was on the 26th, so happy birthday to me ! The go-cart track was closed, so I took the crew ( my grandparents are here ) sledding and then we went to the pool. After that we finished off with a dinner at California Pizza Kitchen, which is a favorite of mine.

More snow!

December 25th, 2006

I have new snowshoes and went on a hike with mommy. Walking in 3 ft. of snow, even with snowshoes, is very hard – but fun. When we got to the top of the foothill, we had a view of the entire valley. The deer are having a bit of trouble walking in the snow. Our neighbor Richard cleared the driveway with his snowblower – 4 times in 24 hours. It will be a white Christmas!!!!! Blessings to all.

xMas snow !

December 20th, 2006

Finally the snow that the weatherman had been promising arrived. And it’s plenty, 20 inches so far and counting. I built a half pipe in the back yard. As an extra bonus I have the day off tomorrow, yahooo !

Icelandic santas

December 12th, 2006

Last night was a big night, the Icelandic santas start coming to town. Which means that I put my shoe out in the window and each morning ( if I’m behaving ) I get a little treat from the santa that just arrived.

In anticipation I wore my santa hat to bed.

The Icelandic Santas (Jólasveinar) are:

December 12th Stekkjarstaur – Gimpy
December 13th Giljagaur – Gully Imp
December 14th Stúfur – Shorty
December 15th Þvörusleikir – Pot Scraper
December 16th Pottasleikir – Pot Licker
December 17th Askasleikir – Bowl Licker
December 18th Hurðaskellir – Door Slammer
December 19th Skyrgámur – Skyr Gobbler (Skyr, an Icelandic yoghurt-type)
December 20th Bjúgnakrækir – Sausage Snatcher
December 21st Gluggagægir – Window Peeper
December 22nd Gáttaþefur – Doorway Sniffer
December 23rd Ketkrókur – Meat Hooker (This Lad is famous for sitting on the chimney and using a long hook to snatch the family’s traditional Christmas meat roast and pull it up the chimney )
December 24th Kertasníkir – Candle Beggar

December 9, 2006

December 9th, 2006

I had my first guitar recital today, and played “Moonwalk” with another guitar student, Wesley. There were a lot of people – but it went well. My parents are very proud of me because I played all my notes and took my time.

My guitar teacher, Wendy, hands me my guitar. Wesley is behind her.
