14th week pictures

These are pictures from my stay with Grandma and Grandpa in Virginia. They love me so much -- I wish I were closer to them. They took me for walks, played with me, drove me around in their fancy cars and just generally loved me.

I think I wore Grandma out. She works so hard and I'm a very demanding kid. She likes to do deals on the phone and I don't like it when she spends time talking to other people -- so I did my best to protest. I did get to go on my first home inspection with her -- very interesting business she's in.

Grandpa is very good at the feedings. We also have a great time just chatting. He understands me. Like me, he likes routine. I thought it was very nice of him to call periodically during the day to get updates from Grandma on me.

My Aunt Naomi is a hoot. I can tell that we'll have a great time together just playing. She's a big Attorney and works very hard. But you'd never know it when we're together because she just pretends that nothing else exists and gives me her full attention.

I love them all very much and look forward to going back there.