JV spring Hockey

May 16th, 2015

We got to the Championship game in the playoffs, 2nd place overall.

Getting taller

May 16th, 2015

As you can see I’m only 3 inches away from catching my father. Current status 162lb and 5 foot 9 inches. Soon I will be calling my father a small man !

New passport

June 4th, 2013

I needed to get a new passport as I’m going to Canada next month. So I figured I would leave you with a shot from the passport photo shoot.

Btw, I’m only one …. or two inches shorter than my mother at this point, watch out !

End of season 2011-2012

March 17th, 2013

I played again with Arvada this year as a first year Bantam B. The team jelled pretty well, we had some good games against the tough teams, but not so good against the teams we should have beaten. But we ended up in the playoffs none the less as the 8th seed. We got knocked out in the first round against Colorado Springs 0-3. They were good, the biggest difference was they passed really well and kept the puck going. They ended up winning the championship by beating both Boulder teams 3-1 and 3-2, so our effort didn’t seem to bad. The highlight of the season for us was 2nd place behind Boulder in the Arvada tournament, I had 10 points in 6 games. Looking forward I’m waiting for school to come to an end then to enjoy the summer. I will probably do a couple of Hockey camps in the summer and then tryout for the Boulder team as Arvada is a bit of a coummute.

Summer time

July 28th, 2012

It’s been a while, I have just been sooo busy having fun and playing. After finishing the Hockey season up I did a camp with the RoughRiders. They have very good coaching and a lot of good players showed up. Then I did the Power play camp at Arvada. Now I’m getting geared up for the tryouts that will start in two weeks. The summer I spent mostly just playing in the neighborhood having fun with the kids on the street. I did manage to take a small vacation with my grandparents. This time we spent time in LA with Naomi and her family it was a lot of fun. Then I flew back from LA to Denver, first time on a plain by myself, not a problem. School will be starting in a couple of weeks, it will be fun to see the school buddies again after a good summer off.