Posts Tagged ‘vacation’

In Hawaii

Thursday, October 15th, 2009

It’s been great few days we spent so far in Hawaii.  I can boogie board every day, I spend around 8 hrs in the ocean a  day.  The snorkeling is great, there are a lot of different types of tropical fish.  I was even able to touch the sea turtles as they are really tame here.  Back to the beach, Aloha !


Saturday, October 10th, 2009

Today it’s snowing in Boulder and 20F, the first day of snow this winter.  However I’m heading to the airport, I’m going to Hawaii with my grand parents.  We will fly from Denver to San Francisco to connect on the flight to Hawaii.  I’m excited to try out some of the best snorkling in the world.  As well as some boogie boarding and maybe surfing.  Find me on the beach, Aloha !

School starts

Saturday, September 12th, 2009

It’s been a great summer, I did a lot of different summer camps.  Also kept playing Hockey and added Soccer in as well.  I went to visit in Washington Dc to my grand parents and to see my friends there and the museums.  I just came back from Moab and the arches, that was really impressive, I’m looking forward to go back there at some point.  We did some hiking, mountain biking and other exploring.  Finally in October I will be going to Hawaii, something to look forward to.